Elevating Your Brand with Pinterest: Insights from McDonalds Big Mac Campaign

Elevating Your Brand with Pinterest: Insights from McDonalds Big Mac Campaign

Post Date

Aug 12, 2024


Social Media

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We’ve all heard of the social media giant, Pinterest —a visual discovery platform launched in January 2010 where millions of users find inspiration for everything from home decor to recipe ideas. But Pinterest is more than just a virtual board; it’s a powerful tool for brands to enhance their digital marketing efforts. By creatively leveraging Pinterest, brands can engage with their audience in unique ways and drive significant long-term results.

McDonald’s Success Story on Pinterest:

McDonald’s has always been a pioneer in creative marketing, and their approach to Pinterest is no exception. Since 1968, McDonald's Big Mac has been a staple on the menu, while it remains a mainstay among older generations, McDonalds wanted to incite the same interest among Gen Z. That’s why they turned to Pinterest, where Gen Z is the platforms’ fastest growing audience.

In the journey of connecting with a younger, digital-savvy audience, McDonalds launched a visually appealing and highly engaging campaign on Pinterest. To achieve this, they analyzed how Gen Z interacted with the platform. Gen Z uses Pinterest to find inspiration, from fashion, beauty and home trends, it's all about looking for inspo. Once McDonalds understood the task, that; when the “Inspired by the Big Mac” campaign was born.

“Inspired by the Big Mac” campaign

By using the mix of ad formats, McDonald’s drove people to stay on Pinterest sending them to the Big Mac board. To create this board, they partnered with a variety of Gen Z content creators, each specializing in some form of virtual art, with the objective of illustrating the Big Mac as a way to inspire culture and self-expression. From Big Mac inspired cowboy boots, to 3D character design and even a Big Mac nail-art,the campaign sought to reintroduce the Big Mac as an icon demonstrating the different ways it could appeal to culturally relevant trends relevant to the Gen Z demographic.

image showing sample content from McDonalds pinterest campaign.

Alongside launching the campaign on McDonald's social media platforms, the campaign also leveraged the growing Gen Z audience on Pinterest by creating visually appealing pins with custom Big Mac boards. Pinterest is a place where people come with the intent of taking action on ideas, therefore by navigating the platform's most popular categories including Beauty, fashion and home décor, and aligning them to the Gen Z population, McDonalds was able to build an iconic board. One of the most effective tactics of this campaign was the “call to action,”, where people were encouraged to join a special contest where they would unlock discount codes after finding the hidden Big Macs in the boards and then they could redeem their offers via the McDonald’s app.

Key Strategies

  1. Visual Appeal: High-quality images and graphics that showcase their products in everyday settings,appealing to the aesthetic preference Pinterest audience.
  2. Interactive Content: Pins that encourage users to engage, such as the contest where people had the opportunity to unlock discount codes and redeem a Big Mac via the McDonald’s app.
  3. Consistent Branding: Maintaining a cohesive look and feel across all pins to reinforce the campaign identity.


  1. Increased Engagement: The campaign saw a significant increase in re-pins and likes, leading to an engagement rate 64% higher than the campaign benchmark.
  2. Broader Reach: McDonalds was able to reach a new demographic, driving curiosity and intrigue to the Gen Z population and wrestling in higher sales coming from them.
  3. Cost per mile: 25% lower CPM on video ads, compared to benchmark.

Twist: Creative Ways Brands Can Use Pinterest

In addition to McDonald’s successful approach,, there are numerous ways brands can leverage Pinterest to stand out:

  1. User-Generated Content Campaigns: Encourage your audience to create pins featuring your products. Host contest where the best pins are rewarded, driving engagement and authentic content creation.
  2. Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers to create pins that highlight your products in real-life scenarios. Influencers can bring a new audience and trusted voice to your brand on Pinterest.
  3. Story Pins: Use Pinteret’s Story Pins to share behind-the-scenes content, tutorials, or brand stories. This feature allows for a more immersive and engaging experience.
  4. Seasonal Boards: Create boards tailored to specific seasons or holidays. This can help your brand stay relevant and top-of-mind during key times of the year, such as Halloween, Christmas or Easter.
  5. Shoppable Pins: Utilize Pinterest’s shopping features to create a seamless shopping experience directly from the platform. Make it easy for users to purchase products they love and remain connected to the brand.

Pinterest Audience

Pinterest's audience is diverse, with a strong presence of creative-minded users who actively seek inspiration and new ideas. Among them, Gen Z is the fastest-growing demographic on the platform, with around “25.1 million Gen Z users currently on Pinterest, accounting for approximately 5% of its entire user base. This is a significant increase from 16.4 million in 2020 and 23 million in 2023, indicating that Gen Z consumers are increasingly joining the platform” (Barnhart, 2019). They’re not just passive scrollers—they’re deeply engaged, making Pinterest an ideal platform for brands aiming to foster meaningful connections and drive impactful actions. Data: Sprout Social

Do you Use Pinterest? Insights from the VizSense team

As a part of our commitment to fostering creativity, we analyzed how our team uses Pinterest and the results were truly insightful! It turns out that 73.3% of our team actively uses Pinterest, and the majority uses it to find inspiration. In fact, 93.3% of our team members turn to Pinterest as their go-to source for sparking creativity and gathering ideas. Whether it's for the latest in home decor trends, fashion inspiration, or simply browsing for visuals, Pinterest is our digital mood board.

Why Does This Matters?

Understanding how our team actively engages with Pinterest highlights that this platform is still a major player in the social media landscape. The fact that a significant portion of our team relies on Pinterest to fuel creativity and find inspiration shows that people are not just browsing, they're using it with purpose. Whether it’s sparking creativity, planning projects, or making purchase decisions, Pinterest remains a vital platform for brands looking to connect meaningfully with their audiences.

The Power of Pinterest for Your Brand

Pinterest has evolved far beyond its origins as a simple visual bookmarking tool. As demonstrated by McDonalds innovative campaign and our own team’s engagement, Pinterest is a powerful platform that brands can leverage for creative and impactful digital marketing strategies. Whether you’re aiming to reach a new demographic, like Gen Z or looking to enhance your brand’s visibility, Pinterest offers opportunities to engage with users in ways other platforms can’t.

As you plan your next marketing campaign, consider the unique opportunities Pinterest has to offer. From user-generated content and influencer collaborations to shoppable pins, Pinterest offers endless opportunities to connect with your audience in meaningful ways. If you’re looking to maximize your impact, VizSense is here to partner with you. Our team is eager to help you drive results but also perfectly align with your brand’s vision!

Post Date

Aug 12, 2024


Social Media

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