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How VizSense research shaped a popular coconut water brand's messaging strategy




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Our client is a popular coconut water founded in the early 2000s. Their product quickly grew from a NYC staple to a national brand; customers were hooked on its refreshing taste and hydrating benefits.

At the beginning of 2020, they rebranded to make their products more approachable for the everyday consumer. Our client typically used macro-influencers -- ranging from CEOs to professional athletes -- to market their product across social media but found that this messaging was too unattainable for the average consumer.

In a study done by Experticity, 82% of consumers have a higher likelihood of acting on recommendations from micro- influencers than macro-influencers and celebrities. Micro-influencers are more approachable to the everyday consumer -- making them the perfect fit for our client to reach the everyday American consumer.

Our client was looking for valuable consumer insights to help shift their brand to be the approachable, everyday drink of choice. They tasked VizSense with conducting research and building a campaign strategy to target their new core demographic across 7 key markets and 8 key retailers.

Using our proprietary technology, VizSense analyzed over 600,000 data points on the coconut water industry to gain insights unseen by the brand's research team. We reviewed thousands of comments and reviews about our client and its competitors to determine strengths and gaps in their message strategy

  • NO SUGAR ADDED: Our product's perfectly sweet flavor comes from blending young and mature coconuts, without adding any sugar
  • SOURCING: Our coconuts are sourced from local farmers in Thailand and Indonesia
  • HYDRATION: Our product has 5 natural electrolytes and is a great source of potassium to help support hydration




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Engagement Rate


Total Media Value from initial investment

By analyzing our campaign conversations, we found an additional untapped demographic of consumers from the Caribbean and Latin America. Our influencer-generated content was able to be recycled across their marketing materials, including our influencers' photos, stories, videos, and unique recipes.

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