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How a local fashion brand increased site traffic by 176%




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Our client is an emerging statement jewelry brand, founded right in our backyard here in Dallas, TX. They quickly found success with their line of freshwater pearl bracelets, with online sales soaring in the summer of 2020. The unique bracelet design became a cult hit, with boutiques across the nation carrying the line and copycats quickly popping up left and right.

Our client needed to keep up the momentum around both their product and their namesake. With the majority of their sales coming from eCommerce, they saw a unique opportunity to capitalize on the up- and-coming social commerce trends. eMarketer forecast social shopping saw 37.9% growth in 2020 alone, giving them the perfect opportunity to add another platform to engage their shoppers. They saw micro- influencers as the perfect voices to share their product and drive new traffic to their site.

Our client tasked VizSense with targeting local influencers to drive overall brand awareness and reestablish themselves as the founders of the freshwater pearl bracelet, while increasing new user website traffic throughout a 30-day campaign.

VizSense conducted in-depth market research to deploy a winning strategy. We dove into thousands of conversations around our client and their primary competitor to discover key product attributes, insights on their audience, and how their competitor was currently winning.

HYPER-TARGETED LOCATION: Our research found that their top markets for sales were located in the Southeast. We focused our campaign efforts on Texas-based influencers to maximize their impact within their key demographic.

INFLUENCER STRATEGY: Using our proprietary technology, we were able to hyper- target our key audiences based on demographics, affinities, and interests that aligned best with our client's target consumer. We focused on influencers with a variety of lifestyles to showcase the versatility of the bracelets, from outdoors explorers to busy moms to your typical fashionistas!




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Increase In New Site Users


Increase In Sessions With Traffic


Engagement Rate


Total Media Value from initial investment

Throughout our campaign activation, our influencer content drove an increase in overall site traffic and interaction with new consumers. Both KPI's were directly attributed to our influencers and our ads. Our client also saw an overall increase in sales MoM during our 30-day activation.

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