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How a fitness app increased downloads by over 900% using micro-influencers




  • Instagram
  • TikTok

During COVID-19, mass shutdowns left gaps in the fitness industry that challenged companies to reach consumers in new ways to help motivate individuals to reach their fitness goals, even from home. Our client wanted to help fill the fitness void with one simple goal in mind: to encourage people to maintain a healthy lifestyle by offering incentives to work out. At the start of a fitness journey, people set broad, long-term goals that are ultimately unrealistic and the cause of lost motivation over time. Our client noticed that when a tangible motivator — like money — is introduced, it is scientifically proven that motivation increases. They used this philosophy to launch an interactive workout app that incentivizes users to workout using monetary prizes won by competing in daily fitness challenges. At the beginning of our partnership, our client had just launched their app on Apple's App Store. They had less than 100 users and little to no awareness across the fitness industry. VizSense was tasked with driving awareness to the right audiences through a 30-day Micro-Influencer campaign, ultimately driving downloads of the new app.

VizSense conducted in-depth market research to deploy a data-backed strategy. Since our client was still in beta testing at the time of our pre-campaign research, we looked at our client's primary, secondary, and tertiary competitors to identify key demographics and which conversations would resonate with consumers across the industry. VizSense's data analysts reviewed over 5,232 unique data points across 7 different competitors. We then provided our client with app updates and feature suggestions to ensure their product was competitive.

INFLUENCER STRATEGY: Using our proprietary technology, VizSense was able to hyper-target audiences based on demographics, affinities, and interests that aligned best with our client's target audiences, focusing on Fitness influencers and influencers who were sharing their New Year's fitness journeys.

PLATFORMS: TikTok + Instagram were utilized to create experiential content that captured the app's full features while showing how our influencers incorporate their workouts into their daily lives to win the weekly challenges and cash out.




  • Instagram
  • TikTok







Downloads (within our 30 day campaign period)


Total Media Value from initial investment

From our competitor research to our campaign messaging and strategy, VizSense was an asset to the launch strategy and was able to help generate over 6,000 new users for the app over our 30-day activation -- over a 900% increase from the beginning of our campaign.

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